Thank You to the School Crossing Guards

Newberg Oregon School District

We live in a town where there are many bikes, pedestrians and also sorry to say an increasing number of cars as well. The morning commute overlaps with the “get to school” rush, but fortunately we have a couple of corners where crossing guards
are stationed before and after school. Their thankless job gets pleasure from familiar faces and is a valuable service to the community! When you drive by, give them a wave or a thumbs up to show your appreciation.

Linda Barnhart has been a crossing guard since 1992 and currently keeps Springbrook Road and Vittoria Way safe in all weather conditions, She enjoys talking to the kids, parents and local seniors that live nearby along with watching the local kids that she has seen over the years grow up. She considers this “Her crosswalk” and takes pride in her safety record.

Read this and the rest of the stoeis by Newberg Public Schools students in the November edition of The Club Herald