Technology Responsible Use Agreement

Newberg School District educators believe that technology allows for unique opportunities for students to learn, innovate, create, communicate, collaborate, and much more. Along with these remarkable advantages that come with using technology in instruction, the regular use of technology provides an opportunity for students to become responsible digital citizens. We want all of our students to be thoughtful, responsible digital citizens, who are empowered to make good choices as they use technology and navigate digital environments.

The attached document provides an overview of the key details, resources, and expectations for this responsible use of Newberg School District technology resources. Please read through this document considering your role in supporting the responsible use of technology in Newberg School District. In order for your student to have use of a digital device, please take the time to review and discuss this document with your student(s).

Both the parent/guardian and student must sign the agreement and return it to the student’s school as soon as possible.