City of Newberg Projects

Newberg Oregon School District

The NHS Greenhouse Program has provided much of the plant material for boulevards and gardens throughout the City of Newberg.  If you see new plantings on city property in the last few years, you can bet that the plants came from the NHS Greehouse.  We have also provided volunteer labor in the construction of several of the gardens within the city. We have developed a close working relationship with the city and CPRD. Some of the on-going events and/or city projects the students have been involved with include the Camellia Festival, Victorian-style hanging baskets displayed at city buildings and downtown and the Water Wise Garden.  Most recently, in the fall of 2011, NHS Horticulture Students along with GFU students and students from local private schools, planted the boulevards above Hess creek along both sides of Highway 99W.  Over 6,000 plants went into this beautification project and have created a wonderful entrance to our city.

Down Town Wine Barrels

Over the last 4 years Bryan Stewart the Head Landscaper of the CPRD, the NHS Greenhouse students and teacher, and Mike Ragsdale of the Newberg Downtown Coalition have been working on providing - at a very minimal cost  - a beautification effort for downtown Newberg businesses. NHS Hort students and CPRD staff paint wine barrels - donated by local wineries, plants come from the NHS Greenhouse program with the emphasis on a central planting of Camellias or Roses. Trailing plants along the rim of the barrels add a colorful feature to all the barrels. You can see these all along the sidewalks of downtown Newberg

 Hanging Baskets

In 2007 we started constructing the large wire  hanging baskets that you see about our city. Cindy Kinnaman, OSU Master Gardener and NHS Greenhouse Assistant, designs the baskets and the students grow some of the plant material and plant the baskets. Baskets are grown at the greenhouse until ready for display. The students are currently growing 14 hanging baskets for the city. They are displayed in areas including City Hall, the City Library, Francis Square, the Water Wise garden, Public Works and the Second Street Fire Station.

In 2008 we helped with the Girl Scout Garden along the North side of Hwy 99W close to the flagpole where 99W splits into downtown Newberg. Most of the plants came from the NHS Greenhouse and student volunteers planted the base plantings in 2008.  Girl Scout troops participated in planting this garden also, hence its name.  In 2011 more plants were added from the greenhouse.  You can see this garden develop as you travel through our fair city.

Work started on the Springbrook Firehouse garden in the spring of 2008 with a fieldtrip of approximately 70 students to the site. The students planted gardens with plants they had grown that year in class.  We did a follow-up in 2009, cleaning and weeding the gardens we had planted the previous year as well as adding more plants to the gardens.

In spring of 2009 the Newberg Rotary Club built a children's playground structure in the Hoover Park next to River St and across from the Historic Hoover home. The NHS Greenhouse program participated in donating many of the plants for the Hoover Park Garden surrounding the playground structure and many students also volunteered their time planting the garden.

Every year the Newberg High School Greenhouse Students pay it forward to the City of Newberg by participating in a “Planting Day” including a Library Planting Day in 2010. Bus loads of greenhouse students arrive at a City property landscape and plant 100s sometime 1000s of hardy perennials, which they have grown at the NHS Greenhouse, in the gardens surrounding the library and adjacent city boulevards and properties. These planting days have made a very large impact on the City of Newberg.

In September of 2011 the Newberg High school Greenhouse Program was a major partner in the 99W Beautification Project, a joint Senior Project/Eagle Scout Project along a quarter mile stretch of 99W. The over 6000 perennials that were used in this landscaping project were grown and cared for at the Newberg High school Greenhouse by our students. The Greenhouse students paid it forward even more by assisting along with other groups in the community and planted all 6000 plants.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Growing Newberg City baskets
Newberg City Summer Basket
Newberg City Summer Basket
Girl Scout Garden
Girl Scout Garden
Girl Scout Garden Ceremony
Springbrook Fire Station Planting
Springbrook Fire Station Planting
Springbrook Fire Station Planting
Hoover Park Planting
Library Planting
Library Planting
Library Planting
Public Works Day
99W Beautification Project
99W Beautification Project
Bryan Stewart & Peter Siderius