Family guide to Smarter Balanced Assessments

Oregon students in grades 3-8 and 11 took new statewide math and English language arts tests called Smarter Balanced in spring 2015. The new assessments are designed to match the new, more rigorous standards guiding classroom instruction. The Smarter Balanced assessments focus on skills students need in the 21st Century - critical thinking, problem solving and reasoning.

These test score are one piece of information to help describe a students’ academic achievement level. Classroom assignments, grades and conversations with teachers should be used to better understand if your student is on track to succeed in the next grade.

What does my student’s test score mean?

The Smarter Balanced test measures how well your child is performing against the new learning standards in English language arts and math. Your student received an overall score, which is reported in one of four levels, with one being the lowest. Students who score in Level 3 or above are considered on track for college and career readiness in that subject.  If your student scored at Level 2, he or she may need additional support or practice. Students scoring at Level 1 will need substantial support to fully comprehend the skills and concepts in that subject this school year.


Why does my student’s score look different than scores on previous tests?

This first year test scores set a new baseline from which progress will be measured. Your student’s score, as well as school and district results, look lower this year because the tests measured more complex skills including critical thinking, problem solving and analyzing. A low score does not mean your student did not improve or learned less. It simply means that the expectations have been raised for students. These scores cannot be compared to previous test scores since they are focused on different skills.


How will my student’s score be used?

Having accurate data is an important part of ensuring that our schools are providing the right supports for your student to be successful. Your student’s score is one piece of evidence classroom teachers collect during the school year to ensure your student is on track.  No student will be held back a grade or kept from graduating based on the results of tis assessment alone.

Smarter Balanced assessments for 11th grade students may be used to meet the Essential Skills graduation requirement in reading, writing and math. 

Oregon community college and universities can waive placement testing for entering students who score a 3 or higher on Smarter Balanced and meet the college’s standards for continued academic rigor in 12th grade. (see links below for more information)



How can I use these test results to help my student improve?

Parents are essential to a student’s success. Parents can work together with the classroom teacher to identify ways of supporting their student both in and outside the classroom.  You can use this information to locate activities online that were designed specifically for each category at every grade level. You can also use the test results to guide a discussion with your student’s teacher about additional supports or challenges in the classroom and at home. Resources designed specifically for the Smarter Balanced test categories are at


Is there a listing of school or district state test results available?

All school and district data is available on our website at


Additional resources

Please use the links below to access additional resources.