School Report Cards

Newberg Oregon School District

The At-A-Glance School and District profiles tell a story about Oregon’s schools and districts. This year’s profiles do not include statewide assessments data, class size data, or attendance data as a result of the necessary statewide school closures and the implementation of Distance Learning for All. The profiles present all available data not impacted by the state’s response to COVID-19.

Los perfiles de la escuela y el distrito de un vistazo cuentan una historia sobre las escuelas y los distritos de Oregon. Los perfiles de este año no incluyen datos de las evaluaciones estatales, datos del tamaño de las clases o datos de asistencia como resultado de los necesarios cierres de escuelas en todo el Estado y la aplicación del programa de Educación a Distancia para Todos. Los perfiles presentan todos los datos disponibles no afectados por la respuesta del estado a COVID-19.

The Oregon Department of Education produces yearly report cards for schools and districts in this state that are publicly released annually in October.

State Report Cards
The state report cards for Oregon’s K-12 schools and districts provide a critical look at how local schools are performing.  The report cards reflect an accountability system that uses multiple measures to rate schools with a much greater focus on student learning and growth.

School and district report cards include:

  • A letter from the principal or superintendent
  • An enhanced school or district profile with demographic charts
  • attendance and immunization rates
  • Comparison of the school to state performance and with"like" schools with similar student demographics
  • Student performance over time
  • Outcomes by student group
  • Information on the curriculum and learning environment
  • High school data includes class size by subject, graduation, completion and dropout rates, percent of freshmen on track to graduate, and percent of students going on to college by subgroups