Migrant Program

Newberg Oregon School District

Migrant education is a federal program that provides funds to help state and local educational agencies remove barriers to the school enrollment, attendance and achievement of migrant students. These services might include tutoring and individual help in class or after school, summer school, as well as services to pre-school children and older youths through the age of 21, who have not yet graduated from high school or have their GED.

Migrant Preschool

The Newberg School District Migrant preschool program serves 3-4 year-olds and 4-5 year-olds who qualify for the migrant program. In order to qualify for the program, families must meet with the Migrant Program Recruiter, Rosa Bautista. Families may enroll their qualified students at the Welcome Center at any time during the year as long as there is room in the classes. Each class can accommodate 20 students. After the classes are full, the children are put on a waiting list.


Parent Advisory Committee
A Migrant Program parent meeting is scheduled every month. The purpose of these meetings is to provide information and education how to best support migrant and ELL students. The Hispanic Parent Leader Advisory Committee collaborates with Migrant staff, District staff, and other community members, to determine monthly topics. Agenda items include updates on ESSA, EL programs, and other issues pertaining to promoting student academic excellence.

Migrant Program Staff: