Oregon Assessment

Newberg Oregon School District

The Oregon Statewide Assessment Program seeks to:

  • Provide information about individual student achievement on performance standards set by the State Board of Education
  • Provide information for policy decisions by the legislature, the governor, the State Board of Education and local school districts
  • Support instructional program improvement efforts
  • Inform the public about student achievement in Oregon schools

Oregon students took the new Smarter Balanced assessments for the first time in 2015. The Smarter Balanced assessment is designed to measure how well students master challenging Common Core standards for reading, writing, math and analysis.

Test Guide for Parents

Parents now have access to the GreatKids Oregon State Test Guide for Parents to inform how they can use these test results to collaborate with teachers and help their children learn. The online tool is free and available in English and Spanish. The Guide content was informed by best practices in parenting for education success and has been carefully vetted by education experts.