Shared Reading and Writing

Newberg Oregon School District

Shared Reading is an instructional practice in which the teacher both reads the text aloud and interacts with students.
Shared Reading includes:

  • providing a text that is available visually to both teacher and students
  • reading a text with the teacher taking the lead, and the students following along either silently or orally
  • sharing the responsibility of reading and thinking among the teacher andstudents
  • engaging in discussions about the strategy or process being taught.

Shared Writing is an instructional practice in which the teacher demonstrates composing a piece of writing while interacting with students discussing and adding to the strategies or processes being modeled.
Shared Writing includes:

  • composing a text collaboratively, with ideas from both teacher and students
  • using other texts as models (e.g., professionally authored, teacher created or student created text)
  • engaging in discussions about the strategy or process being taught, while modeling.