State Assessments

Newberg Oregon School District

The Oregon Department of Education tests students in mathematics, reading, writing and science. It is a criterion-referenced assessment based on the Oregon Content Standards. Students in grades 3-8 and 11 tested annually.

What do state assessment results mean for your student?
State assessment scores provide a snapshot of a student’s demonstration of understanding the Oregon content standards in each subject. The classroom teacher is in the best position to put these results in a larger context. Teachers use daily and classroom level assessments to provide a more complete picture of academic progress. The information you gain from the teacher on report cards, at conferences, and other conversations throughout the year is invaluable to understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

It is not unusual for some individual scores to fluctuate from year to year, especially for students who are scoring very high. As students get older, each year becomes more challenging to meet or exceed the performance standards set for that grade level.

Contact your student's Principal for further information.

Newberg School District is notifying parents and guardians of students in grades 3-8 and 11 of the state testing requirements and their right to opt-out. Parents wishing to opt-out their student should submit the Oregon Department of Education Opt-Out Form to their student’s school. Electronic copies may be downloaded using the link below.   

Please note there is a different process for opting out of the science test. Per the Oregon Department of Education, parent requests for exemption for the science test must satisfy the following conditions:  
-Be submitted in writing to the district (there is no standardized form)  
-Include reasons for request (disability or religion)  
-Propose an alternative learning activity for the student  

The exemption is subject to district review and determination on whether to approve. Please contact the district test coordinator Brittany Morales, to submit a science exemption at

Under Oregon law (ORS 329.479) permits parents and adult students to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide summative tests in English Language Arts and Math by submitting a form to the school the student attends. This is the required notice to be provided 30 days prior to the start of testing.