Consent for Evalutaion

Newberg Oregon School District

It is a compliance requirement that a team, which includes the parent, determine what test measures will be given and it is a team decision whether testing is necessary to determine eligibility/re-eligibility as well as to develop an IEP designed to provide educational benefit. The Evaluation Planning Team (EPT)/Student Assistance Team (SAT) would be the entity that would make this decision.

However, it is expected that those with certain expertise (e.g. SLP’s, OT, etc.) would have more pertinent input to which test measures would be used for a student suspected of having a communication disorder, etc. so that the team can make the best decision regarding which evaluation measures to use.

Further it is expected that various members of the team will each have a part of the evaluation process so that they can speak to the ability/needs of the student at the eligibility and/or IEP meeting. Teams shall assign assessment responsibilities to a variety of team members. In this way we ensure that all members of the team have input and are knowledgeable of the student.

This form is used to:

  • Provide written notice and document written parent consent (or refusal) for an initial evaluation or reevaluation.
  • Provide written notice to the parent that the team determined that no additional evaluation data is necessary to determine that the child continues to be eligible for special education services or to determine the student's special education needs and to inform the parent that the parent may request an assessment.
  • Obtain and document parent consent for an evaluation that will include individual personality or intelligence testing.

Things to remember:

  1. Please put the student's first AND last name on the form.
  2. After the initial evaluation, EVERY subsequent evaluation is considered a re-evaluation even if it is the first evaluation in a disability area.
  3. Be complete in your description of any screening, evaluation procedures, tests, records and reports used.
  4. You must list specific tests that are planned to be used.  Each test must also include a brief description of what it evaluates.  If you use the standard Newberg list, please write "See attached".
  5. Remember, if you check it you plan to complete that assessment instrument.  If the plan changes and you change tests or no longer need that test for decision making, you must provide the parent with written notice.