
Why attendance is important

Research shows that children who have a history of excessive absences tend to find future classroom assignments and activities more difficult to complete.  This will reduce their level of achievement as well as their interest in school.

Regular attendance is a must if the school is to do the best possible job of educating your child.  Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency or illness.  When absent or tardy, parents should call the school office by 8:45 am to excuse the absence.  If a parent does not call the school office, absences or tardies will be recorded as unexcused.  Vacations outside the school calendar are considered unexcused absences.  Chronic attendance issues may be referred to the building principal and Student Attendance Review Board.  See attendance policy JEA. 


Promptness to class is very important.  Teachers begin the academic program immediately following the tardy bell.  Students are required to be in their seats and ready for learning prior to this bell.  If a student is tardy, they must check in with the office for an admittance slip before going to class. 

Leaving school during the day

Every time it is necessary for a student to leave school at a different time or with a different person than normal, written permission should be sent to school with all pertinent information.  You must sign your child out through the office prior to our releasing him/her from school.  Your cooperation is vital in our efforts to keep our students safe.

Chronic Absence

When your child is either tardy or absent more than 10 days, depending on the circumstances, you may receive a letter stating that your child has excessive attendance issues.  This initial notification serves as a warning.  At this time it is recommended that the parent and principal map out an attendance plan.