

When to stay home

Student's Symptom / Diagnosed Illness Student may return to school when:
Fever greater than 100.4 degrees (orally) Temperature below 100 degrees (orally) for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or other fever-reducing medicine.
Rash or rash with fever – new or sudden onset Rash disappears.  Written consent from doctor. May consult school nurse for common seasonal rashes.
Yellow or brown drainage from the eyes or unusual drainage from other parts of the body, such as a draining wound or sore Eye discharge must be gone or the student must have a written consent from a doctor.  Body fluids must be contained for all wounds.
Vomiting Symptom-free for 48 hours
Diarrhea: 3 loose or watery stools in one day Symptom-free for 48 hours
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; serious sustained cough Symptom-free or student must have been on antibiotic for 24 hours and have a written consent from a doctor.  Antibiotics are not effective for viral illnesses.  When antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infections, take all medication as prescribed until gone.

Yellow color of skin and or eyes

Written consent from doctor
Stiff neck or headache with fever Symptom-free or written or consent from doctor
Unusual behavior change, such as irritability, lethargy, or somnolence Symptom-free or written or consent from doctor
Strep throat diagnosed by health care provider Must have been on antibiotics for 24 hours and written  from doctor.  If no antibiotic are given, call district nurse before sending child to school.
After an illness of two or more weeks, surgery or other change in health status Written instructions from doctor and parent regarding mediation or special health needs must be provided to the district nurse


  • Medications will only be administered to students under the following conditions:
  • Medication is medically necessary for the student to be able to remain at school.
  • Medication is only transported to and from school by the parents.
  • A Parent or guardian signs a medication administration permission form.
  • All medication must be in its original labeled container. 
    • Prescription medication must have a pharmacy label with the students own name on it, name of medication, route, dose and frequency. 
    • Students carrying inhalers must have a signed self-medication agreement. The inhalers itself must be labeled if the box is not being carried by the student. 
    • All non-prescription medications must be age appropriate for your student.

All medication is kept in a designated, secure location and administered by trained personnel.  Complete procedures and District Policy JHCD-AR are available for review on our district website

Under certain circumstances students are allowed to self medicate. The most common medications allowed in elementary school are respiratory inhalers.  If you would like your student to carry his/her own inhaler or would like further information on self-administration of medication please see your school secretary or our district nurse.

Many students also take medications at home for various reasons.  A 48-hour supply of medication is recommended if your student would need medication in the event of a lock down.


Accidents and Illness

In case of a serious accident we shall do our best to contact you first and then we will call the emergency contact person you have given us.

If we are unable to reach you or the emergency contact persons we will have your child transported to the hospital.  No care beyond first aid may be given at school.


Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases can be easily transmitted from one individual to another at school.  Effective control includes prevention, early recognition of symptoms, prompt diagnosis and adequate isolation and treatment.  Within the Newberg School District, neither the office staff nor the district nurse can make a diagnosis.  Only a licensed health care provider can determine a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.  After a licensed health care provider has diagnosed a student as having a communicable disease, the Newberg School District will follow guidelines provided by Oregon Department of Education regarding any student attendance and/or restrictions.  A full list of these guidelines can be obtained from the school district nurse.

Many communicable illnesses, while common in children, may cause dangerous illness in others, so please call the office or the school nurse if your child has a communicable illness diagnosis.


Oregon law requires all students to show proof of up-to-date immunizations.  The law does make a provision for exemptions due to religious or medical reasons.  Students who are not immunized are denied admission to school according to Oregon law.



The District does not provide medical insurance to cover student injuries, which may occur on the school ground and in the building.  Parents have the option of purchasing student insurance for a reasonable cost as protection against such accidents.  Detailed information can be found in the packet provided the first day of school.


Head lice

Any student found to have live lice or untreated nits will be sent home immediately with treatment information, school district policy requirements and re-admittance provisions.  Parents will be advised to:

  • use a lice-killing agent on all family members who have symptoms of infestation
  • clean up the environment, including vacuuming and/or laundering bedding, coats, exposed clothing and stuffed animals
  • remove all nits after treatment

Following treatment, the student may be readmitted to school.  Parents must either accompany their student to school or provide a signed statement that treatment has been completed.  Parents who identify head lice on their student at home are to complete treatment prior to the readmission of their student.  Parents are also encouraged to notify the school their student’s condition so that appropriate preventative measure may be implemented at school.  Names will be held in confidence.

The maximum number of excused days for lice treatment will be two.  (First day:  detection and treatment; second day to work on nits and environment).  If additional time is needed, parents will need to contact their school principal. 

More information can be found in District policy JHCC/GBEB-AR