Progress in School

Newberg School District provides continuous assessment and evaluation of student learning.  Teachers utilize student work samples and provide progress reports to parents.  Parent/Teacher conferences are regularly scheduled with additional conferencing upon request.

October - Parent Conferences

February - Report Cards

March - Parent Conferences

June - Report Cards


Report Cards 

The goal of the school elementary report card is to measure student’s performance on the Oregon State Standards in a uniform, consistent way. The report card is intended to help parents better understand what is being studied and how students are progressing. To do this, each grade level has its own unique report card based on the most currently adopted state content standards.  Most subjects that previously had a single mark or grade, now feature more information about what students are expected to know and do. Instead of averaging the academic performance into a single mark or grade, the new report card is broken down into specific areas aligned with the required content standards. Some subject areas have more detail than others depending on the grade and subject. Classroom performance for the semester reflects progress toward expectations and standards for the entire school year.

The report cards will use the same four-point scale across all elementary grades. The Academic Performance key describes the student’s skill and knowledge level based on their classroom performance.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent–teacher conferences are an important component of ongoing home–school communication and student success in school.  Years of research show that family involvement in education can lead to positive benefits for children and youth, such as increased school attendance, higher academic performance, and improved attitudes about school. Both parents and school want students to learn and do well.

Conferences are held twice a year for parents and teachers to share important information about the student’s talents and needs. Parent–teacher conferences are a great way to start talking to your child’s teachers about learning, opportunities and challenges, progress and how to support learning at home and school.