Dress Code

close up picture of student

Student dress is the responsibility of the student and parents.  Students shall dress properly for school and in a manner that is not disruptive to the learning environment. In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning and to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all students and staff, all students shall follow the guidelines listed below:                                    


1.       Students may not wear clothing with writing, slogans, pictures or symbols that portray alcohol, tobacco, other drugs (or their manufacturers) or weapons.

2.       Students may not wear clothing with writing, slogans, pictures or symbols that depict obscenities, vulgarity, racism, violence, sex, gang affiliation or hostility to any group of people or organizations.

3.       Students must wear clothing including a shirt, pants or skirt (or the equivalent), and shoes. Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front and on the sides. Clothing must cover undergarments (waistbands and bra straps excluded). Fabric must cover all private parts and must not be see through.

4.       Students in middle school and high school may wear hats, caps, or other head apparel in the school building, as long as the face and ears are visible. Head apparel which is part of a student's customary religious attire is permissible. All students must be identifiable by staff.

5.       Students must wear clothing that is suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist.                                                     

6.       Students in specialized courses may be required to wear specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.