
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining confidential information about our students. Volunteers do not discuss teacher, student or school affairs with others. Principals have the same expectation of confidentiality from volunteers as they do from the school staff. A violation of Oregon laws regarding confidentiality of student records, discipline information or any information gained by working with a student carries a $1000 fine or imprisonment if convicted.

Child Abuse Reporting
Volunteers are mandatory child abuse reporters. Oregon law designates school employees and certain other professions as mandatory reporters. Please notify the principal immediately if you hear students discussing issues that may be dangerous to themselves or others
you witness an act of bullying or harassment

Use the link below or visit www.newberg.k12.or.us/district/volunteer


Bloodborne pathogens
Volunteers are not responsible for providing first aid or handling any body fluid spill. Please refer to a staff person immediately.


Chaperoning field trips
Volunteers are responsible for student safety and academic success during field trips. Please visit the main school office to sign the field trip chaperone agreement that details guidelines and responsibilities expected of chaperones.


Teachers rely on the services performed by volunteers. Punctuality is important. Please contact the school immediately if you are unable to volunteer on your scheduled day or time.


Emergency drills
Volunteers follow the same emergency procedures as staff. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures posted in the classroom.


Entrances and exits
School doors are locked for the safety of all students and staff. Please do not prop doors open.


Identification badge
Volunteers must always wear a current school district identification badge. Your volunteer identification badge is good for four years, after which you must resubmit a criminal background check.


Sign in
Volunteers must check in whenever they volunteer in a school or chaperone a field trip so office staff knows where they are in the building. Volunteers are covered by accident insurance but to receive this, volunteers must check in and out at the main school office.


Young children can be a distraction to classroom learning and a safety concern in the workroom. Please arrange for childcare for younger children when volunteering at school.


How to Become a Volunteer

  1. Volunteer completes a confidential criminal background check form
    An individual seeking to volunteer in any school or program is required to complete a confidential criminal background check form, which grants the school district permission to check criminal records. This form is available in schools, the district office or may be downloaded from the school district website at http://www.newberg.k12.or.us/district/volunteer.  We also have a fillable web form at http://www.newberg.k12.or.us/district/criminal-background-check
  2. Volunteer turns in filled out/signed form at the district office or submits a web form
    Person interested in volunteering has a photo taken at the district office for their badge and shows a current photo ID.  If the form was submitted online they will need to call the district office and make arrangements to have their photo and a copy of their ID submitted to the district office.  Volunteer badges are good for 4 years and then the paperwork is to be submitted again.
  3. District office conducts background check
    This process could take between 2 - 10 days.  When the background check is approved and the badge made, the badge will be sent to the school the volunteer specifies along with a ‘Thank you / Important Information’ card. If a volunteer applicant is denied, the individual is contacted privately to explain why they  have been denied permission to volunteer. The individual will have an opportunity to seek reconsideration.