School Day

The school office is open weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Classes begin at 8:30 AM and dismiss at 3:10 PM. Teachers’ hours are 8:00 AM-4:00 PM and 7:30 AM – 3:30PM on Wednesday. 

Late Start
Each Wednesday will be a late start schedule.  On these days K-5 classes will be held from 9:30am to 3:10pm. Busses will run 1 hour late on Wednesdays; however, students may be dropped off at school after 8:10 a.m. if needed.

Recesses occur during the school day under the supervision of a playground assistant. Whenever weather allows, recess is held out-of-doors. Please be sure your student wears appropriate clothing and footwear.

Celebrations, Treats and Balloons
Home birthday party invitations need to be mailed or telephoned from home rather than delivered at school.  Hurt feelings occur when invitations are delivered at school.  School treats for birthdays are permitted after making arrangements with your child’s teacher.  Please make sure to check with your child's teacher prior to purchasing snacks or treats, as some classrooms may be peanut-free.

Due to the risk of infection of various pathogens from cross contamination, we require that parents provide only store bought and unopened treats for sharing in classrooms.  A growing number of students are experiencing food allergies, especially processed nuts/peanuts/peanut butter. Please help us promote responsible health styles by providing high nutrition, low sugar, low salt, and low fat treats.  You might consider giving a new book to the class (or library) in your child’s name in lieu of treats.

Newberg elementary schools do not accept delivery of flowers or balloons for any student.  These items are not allowed on the school buses and often are disruptive to the children’s learning environment.

Visiting Animals
Animals are not permitted on school property during the school day without prior approval. To bring an animal onto school property for a short visit, please contact your child's classroom teacher or a school administrator 24 hours in advance. If an animal is permitted to visit, it must be restrained and/or confined while on the premises. Please see policy ING-AR for specific details

If an emergency arises during the day, parents should phone the office before 3:00 PM to assure delivery of a message. 

Telephone Use
Students may use the office telephones only in the case of emergency and with teacher permission. 

Lost & Found
Schools accumulate a surprising amount of clothing and personal items that are left behind throughout the year. Please be sure your student’s name is on clothing and personal items. We encourage parents to check for “missing” items! Unclaimed clothing is donated to charitable organizations.