
Teachers recognize the benefits of purposeful homework.  We believe students who consistently complete homework assignments are more likely to experience academic success and enjoy greater self-esteem.


Homework is assigned to reinforce and enrich concepts presented in the classroom.  It teaches students independent study habits and helps them to assume responsibility for their own work.


The amount of work and the length of the study period will vary among grade levels.


Parents are expected to provide a quiet environment for study, give support and help when necessary, and praise their children for completion of their work.  We suggest that a regular work time be scheduled each weeknight for studying.  This may include work assigned by teachers.  If no homework is assigned, children may spend this time reading for enjoyment, listening to stories read by other family members, or practicing other skills.

Students will complete their work to the best of their abilities.  Work will be completed in a neat, legible manner.  Homework will be turned in on time.

Teachers will notify parents when students are significantly behind in their homework assignments.