
Newberg schools contract with First Student Transportation for home to school bus service. For route information or other questions, please contact First Student directly at 503-538-8365.

Drop Off and Pick-up

Safety of our children is paramount throughout Newberg School District.  Please adhere to the following procedures for the drop off and pick up of students:

  • Children should arrive at school between 8:10 AM and 8:30 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  On Wednesdays, children should arrive between 9:10 AM and 9:25 AM, although the school is open at 8:00 AM for those students who need to arrive at the regularly scheduled time.
  • When dropping off and picking up children, please pull into the parent drop-off/pick up area in the parking lot.  This area is NOT for parents coming into the building.  This is drop off and pick up ONLY. 
  • Do not drop off or pick up children in the Bus Only Lane.
  • Please do not allow your child to walk through the parking lot unattended.
  • Animals  are not welcome at pick-up and drop-off times

If you need to leave the car for any reason, please:

  • Do not park in the fire lane.  Parking legally allows for easy access of emergency vehicles and allows traffic flow to continue smoothly
  • Do not leave young children unattended in cars
  • Follow seat belt and child safety seat laws
  • Cars must be parked legally in a designated parking space
  • Do not leave cars running unattended
  • Do not double-park in the parking lot

Thank you for your cooperation.  Working together, we can make the parking lot a safer place for children as well as an efficient system for dropping off and picking up students.  Remember to please drive slowly and be patient with others.


Bus Riders      

When students are excused from class they must go directly to their bus line.  Buses will leave promptly.  Students who miss the bus due to their own negligence will call parents for transportation arrangements and be sent to the CARE program. When riding a bus home with a friend, students are required to bring to school a note from their parent/guardian with the following information:  Their first and last name, name and route number of the student they’re going home with, parent’s signature and date.  The note needs to be taken to the office so the secretary may complete a “Change of Destination” form that your child will give to the driver.

Students will not be released from a school-to-home bus at any stop other than their regular stop except with explicit directions from a school or law enforcement authority.   Neither a driver nor a parent is authorized to override this rule.  Students are expected to be safe, respectful and responsible while riding the bus to and from school. 


Walking, biking – Safety Zone, Safe Routes to School

At the end of the day, students sometimes have a hard time exiting the school because so many people are crowded at the pick up area.  We ask that parents, siblings and childcare providers wait outside as all walkers and children being picked up will pass through there.


Recreational transportation

Students may not ride bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller blades, or heelies etc. on school property at any time.  All state laws regarding safety gear must be followed. Students are required to wear helmets when they are riding bicycles and skateboards.