
students holding iPads and collaborating

Digital Conversion

Students and teachers are making engaging and powerful use of technology in classroom instruction today. Newberg schools are taking deliberate steps toward a digital conversion to help students develop 21st Century skills. Investments in student devices, network and infrastructure are moving schools closer to a 1:1 student to device ratio.


Google Apps for Education

Newberg Public Schools provides students with Google Apps for Education. Apps for Education includes free, web based programs that provide word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, e-mail, conferencing, calendaring and collaboration tools for Newberg students and teachers. This service is available through an agreement between Google and the State of Oregon.

Apps for Education runs on an Internet domain purchased owned by the Newberg School District and are intended for educational use only. A required permission form describes the responsibilities of the school, students and parents in using Apps for Education on the school domain. (See forms)


Electronic Devices in School

Classroom teachers must give permission for a student to bring and use an electronic device as a learning resource. If your child brings an electronic device to school, it must be turned off during school hours.   If the device is used without explicit permission, the device may be confiscated until the end of the day, and/or until a parent can come to school and pick up the device.  The school is not responsible for theft or loss.